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Total Commander 7.50 RC1

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Total Commander 7.50 RC1  Изменения регистрации

12.08.09 Fixed: Unicode display problems in tabstop header (Name, Ext. etc): Chinese text on Japanese Windows not shown correctly when using Windows Classic theme

12.08.09 Fixed: Crash on exit after using Startup Guard plugin (due to a bug in the plugin, still occurs when using cm_UnloadPlugins)

12.08.09 Fixed: Shift+F5 didn't place cursor on new file if DrivesExportUpcase and DrivesShowUpcase had different values

11.08.09 Added: Manifest: Add new Windows 7-specific section <supportedOS... also to tcuninst.exe to avoid Windows 7 questions

11.08.09 Added: Switched to HTML help by default, optimized help so it also works fine with Windows 98 (IE4) and quite OK with IE3 (Win95b)

11.08.09 Fixed: Various problems with Linux (Wine), like black bars in separate tree when scrolling sideways, some help-related exceptions
09.08.09 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Close breadcrumb bar when user releases left mouse button over scrollbar or up/down scroll buttons

09.08.09 Fixed: Custom columns change dialog: Do not switch to the edited view on both sides, but on active side as in TC 7

09.08.09 Fixed: Some Unicode display problems: Chinese tooltips on Japanese Windows, width of other language main menu bar items, alignment of Unicode text on buttons

07.08.09 Added: Right click menu: For folders, show additional "Open" menu item which opens the folder externally (in Explorer), e.g. for Control Panel

07.08.09 Fixed: FTP: Cancel not always working when searching over a fast connection or locally

05.08.09 Added: Quick search: Allow to overtype selected text

05.08.09 Added: cm_CommandBrowser: Allow to copy command via right click, and Ctrl+C also when cursor in quick search and no text selected

05.08.09 Fixed: Button bar parameters, parameter %P/%T: Append backslash when in zip subdir (only works when %Z parameter used)

04.08.09 Added: Windows 7: Show progress bar in taskbar icon for all foreground file operations, also with paused state

04.08.09 Added: Windows 7: All Lister instances get their own separate taskbar icon

04.08.09 Fixed: F5 copy file in thumbnail view with many lines -> window was scrolled to wrong position (not considering the number of columns)

04.08.09 Fixed: Access violation when ftp connection is hanging and user presses Alt+F4

04.08.09 Fixed: Some minor problems with small right click progress bar on current path field

04.08.09 Fixed: F5 copy: Increased number of characters in filter box from 255 to 1022 (limit problem was caused by Delphi StdCtrls library 255 char limit), fixed same problem in various other locations

04.08.09 Fixed: FTP: Do not try to switch to UTF-8 mode when a connection is set to auto-detect, but the "Send command" contains OPTS UTF8 OFF

04.08.09 Fixed: Main menu: Do not allow multiple tabs in one line, e.g. when using a custom translated menu in Lister with \t in it and a predefined hotkey

04.08.09 Fixed: On some systems, right clicking could take longer than 500ms until the context menu was shown (due to SetTimer not handling 50ms intervals correctly)

03.08.09 Added: Auto-start internal sync tool with parameter SYNCOPEN =SettingsName or just SYNCOPEN =

03.08.09 Added: Auto-start external sync tool with parameter /S=S:=SettingsName or just /S=S:= when passing the paths separately

02.08.09 Added: New internal command OPENCUSTOMVIEWB custom_columns_view_title switches to this view on BOTH sides

02.08.09 Added: Search function: Increased max. length of search string to 2046 characters

31.07.09 Fixed: Ctrl+C Ctrl+V no refresh on Win98/SE only, all other systems were OK

30.07.09 Fixed: Delphi bug in forms.pas: Do not call DestroyCursor for cursors loaded via LoadCursor, as described on MSDN

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