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mIRC 6.21
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mIRC 6.21 Изменения регистрации
- Fixed $timer().secs bug when used with /timer HH:MM.
- Fixed right-click on disabled toolbar button popping up menu.
- Fixed treebar and toolbar using same key accelerator in the view menu.
- Changed wording in help file for /windows -D.
- Changed /winhelp to allow help system to search for help file if it\'s not found in the mIRC folder.
- Fixed /toolbar -z3 not loading actual icon size from an .ico file.
- Fixed pressing spacebar in channel nicklist not popping up correct menu.
- Fixed bug with popup menus displayed using spacebar in notify/url listboxes.
- Fixed passive dcc send bug rejecting files in dcc ignore list.
- Fixed /window -h not being able to hide status window switchbar buttons.
- Fixed various tabbed text display bugs in @window text/listbox.
- Fixed scripts reacting to superfuous windows mouse move messages.
- Fixed display bug in reversed tabbed text in listbox @windows.
- Fixed dcc get window not being auto-closed on time-out in some situations.
- Improved /drawrot, now faster and supports float values.
- Changed the way mIRC displays popup menus so that it triggers the WM_INITMENUPOPUP for plugin developers.
- The LOADINFO structure now returns a minor version value that is right-padded with zeros, eg. 6 20.
- Fixed /drawpic parameter parsing bug.
- Fixed windows taking focus when mIRC is not the active application.
- Fixed $regsubex() bug with \\0 parameter and various other characters.
- Added $regsubex() \\A parameter, non-spaced version of \\a.
- Fixed issue with $lactive not always returning a value.
- Fixed horizontal scrollbar bug in tabbed listbox @windows.
- Optimized display speed of text in windows and listboxes.
- Improved /window -b speed.
- Improved $network return value when connected/disconnected when on networks that use different network names in numerics 001/005.
- Fixed $dialog().focus not working correctly with comboboxes.
- Added on HOTLINK support for $() and %var in matchtext.
- When drag-dropping files on listboxes the listbox item under the mouse is now highlighted.
- Fixed query windows in treebar/switchbar not being re-sorted on a nickname change.
- Added Minimize/Close All menu items to treebar folder menus.
- Fixed script editor bug deleting very long lines instead of truncating them.
- Fixed /window -c gpf bug when several status windows are open and the first status window is closed.
- Fixed $window().state bug.
- Added $window().sbstate/tbstate, return switchbar/treebar button state for a window.
- Updated library to PCRE v6.7, fixes various bugs.
- Updated support files to openssl v0.9.8b.
- Fixed on WAVEEVEND event not being triggered correctly.
- Fixed switchbar fill display bug.
- Fixed $didwm() bug not handling blank lines in editboxes.
- Fixed DCC Get behaviour if download folder does not exist.
- Fixed logging bug where logfiles were being lost if make folder\r was enabled and the same status window was used to connect to different networks.
- Fixed $eval() parsing bug when passed more than two parameters.
- Fixed nested $regsubex() gpf bug.
- Extended commandline -r and -i parameters to accept non-full paths.
- IRC Servers dialog now uses a treeview to display the servers list.
- Fixed $inellipse() bug.
- Fixed kill event handling bug.
- Fixed $regml() bug.
- Fixed log filenames handling bug.
- Changed DNS routine so that it now randomizes the retrieved pool of IP addresses to spread the load across connections.
- Fixed /btrunc bug.
- Added /server -z switch, minimizes new status window.
- Fixed numeric 345 not triggering on RAW event.
- Fixed dcc send time-out bug when sending empty file.
- Added command line switch -portable to make mIRC avoid use of the registry, and $portable identifier.
- Fixed gif transparency issues.
- Added 48 x 48 icon to mIRC icon for Vista.
- Fixed minor cosmetic issues when running under Vista.
- Fixed /window -h not hiding desktop @window when it is first created.
- Fixed Alt+N behaviour, when switchbar/treebar was enabled Alt+N was selecting windows hidden with /window -h.
- Added Lock Bars option to toolbar/switchbar/treebar menus.
- Fixed treebar not remembering /window -i item open/closed state when jumping between server items in treebar list.
- Fixed treebar not placing /window -z windows at end of list. This affects custom @windows as well as other windows whose original server window has been closed.
- Fixed Control+Minimize lock bug. Windows opened on the desktop are now also minimized and locked, and system menus are no longer usable without unlocking.
- Fixed editor dialog not remembering correct position if Windows tray was in top/left position.
- Fixed /editbox not working with minimized/hidden windows.
- Added /toolbar -f[lsd] switches, load/save/delete toolbar in toolbar.ini file. mIRC auto-loads toolbar.ini on startup.
- Fixed $rand() floating point handling bug.
- Changed PCRE compile options, previous change had resulted in a significant performance decrease.
- Fixed $error being reset when an alias/identifier is called in the :error section without using /reseterror.
- Fixed regex identifiers not handling script errors correctly.
- Fixed logfiles bug resulting in lost or corrupted logfiles when connecting to multiple servers.
- Fixed reload logfiles bug when lines prefixed with both color codes and timestamps.
- Fixed channel topic/mode bug, were not being cleared correctly on reconnecting to a server.
- Fixed Treebar folder icon display bug.
- Added Single click on tray icon to open option to tray dialog.
- When settings are changed in logging dialog, the logging state of windows and any open log filenames are now immediately updated to reflect new settings.
- Added Flash on chat message option to IRC Options dialog.
- Added Beep on chat message option to Sounds dialog.
- Disabling sounds in the Sounds dialog now does actually disable all sounds, even those using /splay or /beep.
- Fixed bug with Background pictures not applying correct display method (center, fill, etc.) in some cases.
- Added new sound events to the Sounds dialog.
- Fixed DCC Send/Get progress bar display bug, was not showing completed transfer in some situations.
- Fixed incorrect evaluation of parameters containing $nulls when passed to identifiers.
- Fixed /ctcps, /events, and /remote not handling off parameter correctly.
- Fixed $fline() and $line() returning results when listbox\r specified and used with a non-listbox window.
mIRC 6.21 Скриншоты
mIRC 6 Строит
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- mIRC 7.39 (Beta)
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- mIRC 7.37 (Beta)
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- mIRC 7.25
- mIRC 7.22
- mIRC
- mIRC 7.19
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- mIRC 7.14
- mIRC 7.1
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- mIRC 6.34
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- mIRC 6.31
- mIRC 6.3
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- mIRC 6.17
- mIRC 6.16
- mIRC 6.15
- mIRC 6.14
- mIRC 6.12
- mIRC 6.11
- mIRC 6.1
- mIRC 6.03
- mIRC 6.02
- mIRC 6.0
- mIRC 5.82
- mIRC 5.81
- mIRC 5.8
- mIRC 5.71
- mIRC 5.7
- mIRC 5.61
- mIRC 5.6
- mIRC 5.51
- mIRC 5.5
- mIRC 5.41
- mIRC 5.4
- mIRC 5.31
- mIRC 5.3
- mIRC 5.11
- mIRC 5.1
- mIRC 5.02
- mIRC 5.0
- mIRC 4.72
- mIRC 4.7
- mIRC 4.6
- mIRC 4.52
- mIRC 4.5
- mIRC 4.1
- mIRC 4.0
- mIRC 3.92
- mIRC 3.9
- mIRC 3.8
- mIRC 3.72
- mIRC 3.7
- mIRC 3.64
- mIRC 3.6
- mIRC 3.51
- mIRC 3.5
- mIRC 3.42
- mIRC 3.4
- mIRC 3.2
- mIRC 3.1
- mIRC 3.0
- mIRC 2.7a
- mIRC 2.5a
- mIRC 2.4a
- mIRC 2.1a
- mIRC 2.1
mIRC Комментарии