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Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP)

128,547 Загрузка

Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP) 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP)  Изменения регистрации

  • Accelerators: With accelerators you can get directions, translate words, email your friends, and more in just a few clicks.
  • InPrivate Browsing: A new very useful feature that lets you browse the internet without saving anything on your computer.
  • Web Slices: Keep up with a web page changes for news, stock quotes, auctions, weather and sports
  • Search suggestions: A new feature that provides you search suggestions from your web browsing history and your picked search engine.
  • SmartScreen Filter: New security features help to protect you against deceptive and malicious websites which can compromise your data, privacy and identity.
  • Automatic crash recovery: If a website or add-on causes cash in the browser, only that tab is affected. The browser itself remains stable and other tabs remain unaffected, thereby minimizing any disruption to your browsing experience.
  • Crash recovery: If one or more of your tabs unexpectedly closes or crashes, your tabs are automatically reloaded and you are returned to the site you were on before the crash.

Internet Explorer 8 Строит

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